Cotton Defends Trump: Blames Dems for Putin

( – As far as the Democrats are concerned, vice presidential hopeful Tom Cotton, the Republican senator from Arkansas, is nothing more than a “yes man” for Donald Trump. Conversely, Tom Cotton has nothing good to say about the Democrats.

Cotton appeared on CNN host Jake Tapper’s weekend program, State of the Union, and blamed Putin’s aggressive advances on Ukraine on the left. Cotton observed that Putin only rattles his saber when Democrats are in power. Putin invaded Crimea when Barack Obama was president. Putin invaded Ukraine when Biden was in the Oval Office. When Trump was commander-in-chief, Putin stayed put. Cotton noted that over the past decade, it seems Putin is not in the mood for an invasion when Republicans are calling the shots.

Cotton made his remarks after Tapper wanted to know what he thought of Trump’s remarks at a recent rally when he said Zelenskyy does nothing but relentlessly ask for American cash to help beat the Russians.

The Arkansas senator said of Biden, for more than two years, he pussyfooted around and failed to give Ukraine the weapons it needed, implying that Putin is their mess, not Trump’s.

He added that the weaponry Ukraine used at the beginning of the war was the weapons that Donald Trump sent to them. Barack Obama and Joe Biden had refused to send what was needed.

Cotton piled on, stating that one of the reasons that encouraged Putin and convinced him he could go for the jugular in Ukraine was Biden’s handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Cotton said it projected weakness and indecision. It was just a few weeks later that Putin began to mass troops on Ukraine’s border.

Speaking for Trump, Cotton said the former president supports Ukraine and wants it to prevail, but he believes Europe should be doing more. He said Trump feels they should care more because it is in their backyard, on their borders.

Neither Trump nor his supporters appear to have a clear understanding of his somewhat unusual approach to resolving the crisis between Russia and Ukraine.

Sunday on Fox, Cotton said Trump would probably let Russia take sections of Ukraine if asked for specifics about any conflict resolution. However, critics say that any progress that Ukraine has made in its fifteen-month battle with Russia would be erased under such a strategy, which would essentially go against President Joe Biden’s policies.

Still, Cotton failed to refute any of Trump’s notions or strategies, continuing to be the “Yes Man” the left dislikes so much.

Cotton is still in the running for Trump’s veep pick.

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