Summer Jobs for Teachers: 5 Great Ways to Increase Your Income

( – Teachers use the summer break to recharge after the school year, spend time with their families, or make extra money. If making extra money interests you, you’ll find options that will help you just during the summer or can help you out on holiday breaks too.

There are ways to increase your income just by using your computer or enjoying the outdoors. If you are a teacher interested in making extra money in the summer but unaware of what’s available, here is some information to help you.

1.  Tutor Students

This option to earn extra money during the summer might be an obvious choice, but it doesn’t require a learning curve or any additional credentials on top of what you already have. If students anywhere need advanced instruction before the next school year starts, need extra help in understanding the curriculum, or need help with test preparations, you can be there for them as a summertime tutor.

Tutoring offers convenience when earning extra money because you can meet students at the nearest library or community center. You can even tutor students online, which opens up tutoring opportunities beyond local students.

2.  Consider Being a Summer Camp Counselor or Program Director

If you like to be outdoors and still feel the need to impact children’s lives, you will enjoy making extra money as a summer camp counselor or program director. These camping leadership roles include planning and coordinating age-appropriate recreational activities, arts and crafts, sports, games, and educational opportunities.

Your local YMCA, Girl Scout or Boy Scout troops, or nonprofit organizations may have camp positions open. Also, look online for local camp counselor opportunities in your area, especially ones with camp themes that fall under your expertise, like STEM learning or art.

3.  Become a Freelance Writer, Editor, or Proofreader

You can have the convenience of earning extra money online while working from the comfort of your home, the library, or a favorite coffee shop by writing, editing, or proofreading as a freelancer. If you sign up for freelance job websites, such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr, you can select the jobs you want and submit proposals or bids on the jobs you choose.

You can be a freelance writer, proofreader, or editor for customers needing the following examples:

  • Emails
  • Whitepapers
  • Website landing pages
  • Blogs and articles
  • Ebooks

You can even help ghostwrite a book if you’re interested in jobs of that magnitude. This type of job may be available in your area or on freelance sites.

4.  Walk or Exercise Dogs

Your neighbors might appreciate a responsible person who can take their dogs for a walk around the neighborhood or to the park while at work. If you enjoy pets and want to earn extra money while enjoying the outdoors, make it known around your neighborhood or post on your Nextdoor app your interest in making extra money walking dogs.

5.  Develop Online Courses

Here is another obvious option for a teacher but one you would be quite good at. Since you teach courses during the school year, this would be an easy transition for you to make extra money in the summer. You can create a course, post it on available websites like Udemy or your own website, and market it. Sell your course by hosting live events on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Once people start to enroll in your course, you’ll get paid for each person who signs up for your class.

You Can Now Look Forward to Earning Extra Money During Summer Break

Now that you know five ways to earn extra money during the summer, you can look forward to lucrative gains to start the school year. So whether you want to continue teaching when the school year lets out or you want to work outdoors, there is a summer break job waiting for you to embark on.

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