Teacher Critically Injured after Student Attack

(DailyAnswer.org) – A 16-year-old high school student in Ohio, while hallucinating under the influence of a drug, has attacked a 60-year-old teacher, leaving her critically injured. The student, of Colerain High School, Cincinnati, was reportedly troubled after ingesting an unknown substance on January 4th before punching the teacher so hard that she was left with brain damage. The teacher had a portion of her skull cap removed to prevent further swelling of the brain and the student also reportedly inflicted a head injury upon himself and attacked a classmate. Relatives of the teacher have stated that she has yet to regain consciousness.

The school is conducting an investigation and has stressed to parents the isolated nature of the incident. Highlighting the concerns about safety and security within the school, the letter sent out by staff also asked parents to pray for both the critically ill teacher and the disturbed student. The attacker, remaining anonymous due to his age, has been charged with felonious assault and will face disciplinary action in the school district after being sent to Hamilton County Juvenile Detention Center.

In 2022 school leaders and students working in drug prevention programs in central Ohio raised serious concerns about substance use and the distribution of “stealthy” drugs that were difficult to detect. Concerns also highlighted the rise in vaping, with there being cases of cartridges containing THC, the psychoactive compound in recreational marijuana. A student in the region was also discovered carrying LSD.

Belinda G. Gimbert of Ohio State University in 2021 also drew attention to the prevalence of substance use in schools in the US. In her article, she argued that children in rural areas were more at risk of developing addictions despite less availability of drugs. She said preventative measures had helped lower the amount of some drugs, such as cocaine and LSD, on school premises. Concerns were raised however about the rise in vaping and also about increasing marijuana use among adolescents. In addition to its known links to heightened paranoia and anxiety, THC can in extreme cases cause hallucinations.

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